In 2013, Samantha Hurst, also known as Molls, embarked on a journey that would change her life forever. After going through a difficult period, she discovered The Three Principles, which made a profound impact on her mental health and overall well-being. Prior to this, Molls had been working in natural health, where she was a qualified Naturopath and a trusted counsellor for her clients. Her travels around the world had also led her to study under some of the most renowned spiritual teachers, such as Eckhart Tolle, Osho, Krishnamurti and more.

When Samantha was introduced to The Three Principles, she experienced a significant transformation that gave her a deeper understanding of all she had studied previously. She delved headfirst into the principles, learning from the likes of Dr Dicken Bettinger and Dr Keith Blevens, among other notable teachers. As she saw the power of the The Three Priniciples in her life and in others, she felt inspired to share her insights with others seeking guidance.

She now has an international client list and has spoken at conferences, offering both online and in-person consultations and immersions. She is a registered member of the 3PGC, the governing body of The Three Principles.  Samantha’s passion for sharing her knowledge motivated her to join forces with Gem in 2021. Together, they created OneMinding, which started as a project to share these teachings with the world. If you're interested in working with Samantha you can contact her through this website or to find out more listen to her popular podcast OnemInding.


Samantha Interviews
Dr Dicken Bettinger


Find out more about Samantha in
a talk given for the 3pgc


What others Are Saying


I cannot recommend working with Sam highly enough after suffering from severe depression & stress for over 30 years, she turned my life around. I now have mental health. My thinking has changed & I now embrace nature. I know who I am & why I am here. Just being with Sam, or knowing I'm going to be with her in her small groups at her home, I feel any pressure I'm feeling just lift away. I now feel light, I want to laugh, to cry, to celebrate & just grin with joy. That's what the Principles & Sam have done for me & thank God for it. Sam has this special gift of 'knowing' and her teachings will change your life & make you realise what life really is and what's been hidden from you for so long.

Stephanie Moore - Housewife


I have been seeing Sam for around 2 years. Before seeing her I had seen a number of therapists but had never really resonated with their individual styles of therapy.  Sam had worked with my family so i gave it another try, with quite frankly, not much hope but I am so happy that i did. Sam’s Three Principles style of teaching really clicked with me and made me see things in a completely different way. It has altered my mindset and made it a lot easier for me to cope with family complications and life’s ups and downs. Even when i go to see her with not much to talk about, we end up unfolding things, and I feel so much better when I leave. I am refreshed with the weight lifted off of my shoulders. I would recommend her to anyone.

Tatum Marchetti - Model


I would like to just give a huge thank you to Samantha. When I contacted her my 20 year old daughter was unhappy, self harming, listening to heavy metal and nothing I said or did was making a difference. The transformation is phenomenal, I have my daughter back. She is happy, I don’t think she would ever self harm again and she no longer listens to all that negative screaming, depressing music and in fact has had a total turnaround is into kpop and dresses more like an anime character. She has a boyfriend and is happy. I can’t thank you enough.

Karen Roberts - Coach

Last year I was having grief counseling following the loss of my sister. While it gave me someone to talk to, I didn't feel like I was moving forward and found myself spiraling further down into a dark lonely place, trapped in my own thoughts. Then I found Sam and The Three Principles. Sam helped me see I had created a negative, self-destructive version of myself that had mainly stemmed from grief. I believed this version of myself was real. Sam helped me lift that veil and put me on the road to self-realisation. I have come to understand my grief, I have learned not to resist it or any emotion for that matter. Sam has helped guide me to see the world with new eyes and with that my energy has changed, my confidence has grown and I have found myself with a thirst for life again. There have been times when I've been in tears to Sam or just really flat with zero energy, however, within minutes of talking to Sam I have experienced big shifts in consciousness. The tears stop and I am left with boundless energy that seems like it came from nowhere. Beyond our negative thinking, we all have an innate well-being as our default setting. Sometimes all we need is a guiding hand like Sam.

Alex Hall - Project Manager


I am thousand times more happy now that I am living in the principles. Sam has been my guiding light and I am eternally grateful for her and our friendship. If you are thinking about working with Sam I highly recommend it. Your life can change just like mine.

Chelsea Haunter - Social Worker


I have been having monthly conversations with Sam for years and her help, knowledge and practice of The Three Principles is quite profound so much so that when we unravel those heavy thoughts it feels like the first day of spring again.

Elaine Hooker - Barber

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