Work with samantha

  • The Insight Package

    This transformational package is for those that are seeking a new understanding of the mind or have an issue they would like to overcome and want to learn more about the human operating system. This is a 6 or 12-week package with weekly sessions and my full support. This can be taken online or in person.

  • The Commitment Package

    This is a 4-month programme. Together we will take a deep dive into The Three Principles and you will awaken to your innate wellbeing and a whole new way of understanding your mind and the world. This will consist of weekly sessions as well as a full-day immersion with Samantha. Are you ready to change your life?

  • The Private intensive

    This is a full immersion experience where you will spend 4 days with Samantha at an agreed location. This is a deeply concentrated experience where you will experience shifts in consciousness and begin to see through your limiting beliefs and unhelpful thinking. A new world will be waiting for you after this experience.

Change from the inside out…

The Three Principles understanding creates change through insight. You will begin to transform from the inside out. You will see unhelpful thoughts and beliefs drop away and the world around you will look fresh and new. The thoughts and feelings that may have troubled you for so long will melt away. Habits and addictions will also fall away, anxiety will become a thing of the past, your mind will become clearer. This has a profound affect on your relationships, your work life and any area that may have looked like it was a source of stress in your life.

It starts with you…

As your thoughts begin to fall away so do your limitations.

are you ready?