What are the three principles?

The Three principles of mind, CONSCIOUSNESS and THOUGHT are the universal blueprints behind life. they help us see how and why life appears the way it does. once explored we begin to see that they are the fundamental forces responsible for the creation of life and for all of our psychological experiences. understanding them transforms the way we experience life, gives us A greater freedom of mind and a deeper connection to our innate wellbeing and happiness.

  • Mind

    The intelligence behind life, the universe and everything. This is the creative force that allows life to happen and nature to thrive. It is the energy that serves as the foundation for creation.

  • Consciousness

    Consciousness is the energy of awareness. Through the operation of Consciousness, your thoughts are brought to life. Being able to see your thoughts is the key to seeing you are not them.

  • Thought

    The principle of Thought describes our ability to think and not the content of our thoughts. Our world is created by the formless energy of thought. Seeing this is transformative.

“All we are is peace, love, and wisdom, and the power to create the illusion that we are not.”
– Jack Pransky

What are the Benefits of Three Principles Coaching?

  • Improved mental health and wellbeing

  • A deeper understanding of what it means to be human

  • Healthier relationships

  • Enhanced productivity and creativity

  • Relief from anxiety and depression

  • A new life with nothing changing but you

And in this game of life, we all search for ourselves. When I say selves, I mean ‘inner selves’, the thing that created life in the first place. Now consciously, most of us are not aware of this. But if you’re searching for happiness; if you’re searching for tranquility; if you’re searching just to have a nice, peaceful, loving, understanding life... in actual fact, your searching for your inner self.

Sydney Banks

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